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When was AbbVie's last ex-dividend date?

AbbVie's most recent ex-dividend date was Tuesday, October 15, 2024. Is AbbVie's dividend growing? Over the past three years, the company's dividend has grown by an average of 7.84% per year. What track record does AbbVie have of raising its dividend? AbbVie has increased its dividend for the past 52 consecutive years.

Does AbbVie Inc (abbv) pay a dividend?

AbbVie has an annual dividend of $6.56 per share, with a yield of 3.19%. The dividend is paid every three months and the next ex-dividend date is Jan 15, 2025. * Dividend amounts are adjusted for stock splits when applicable. Get the latest dividend data for AbbVie Inc. (ABBV), including dividend history, yield, key dates, growth and other metrics.

When is AbbVie's next dividend payment?

AbbVie's next quarterly dividend payment of $1.64 per share will be made to shareholders on Friday, November 15, 2024. When was AbbVie's most recent dividend payment? AbbVie's most recent quarterly dividend payment of $1.55 per share was made to shareholders on Thursday, August 15, 2024.

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